Among cannabis stores, one big differentiator is the caliber of the specials they offer to customers each day. Given that, the two locations for Medication Station rank among the very best, with opportunities to save every day.
If you time it correctly, you can enjoy premium products with substantial savings. Specials from these two very well-stocked cannabis stores include:
Monday Madness. On this day all Flower is on sale with Recreational set at 10% off and Medical at 20% off.
Top Shelf and Tasty Tuesday. All straight Sativa and all Edibles are discounted – with Recreational at a 10% discount and Medical set at 20%. Sweet!
Wellness Wednesday. To help get you over the hump, Topicals and Tinctures are 10% off for Recreational and 20% off for Medical at this cannabis store.
Thrifty Thursday. Don’t forget the accessories. On this day, all Cartridges and Batteries are discounted 10% for Recreational and 20% for Medical.
Fr-High-Day. Yowza – 15% off everything! Excludes sales and special items that are already set to save you money, and adds an enormous selection of products to save you even more.
Shatter Day – This cannabis store goes all in with Recreational discounted 10% and Medical discounted 20%
Slow Down Sunday – Kick back and enjoy Indica and CBD specials with 10% off on Recreational and a 20% discount on Medical, not including items that are already on sales or special items.
The two cannabis stores under the Medication Station brand are now the largest dispensaries in their respective areas with an enormous depth that features varying price points that make it accessible for everyone. Everything is also clearly marked with price, strength and flavor options, because finding exactly what you need and can afford is paramount here.